Shabad: Bhikre hue Jazzbaat

┬╖ BookSquirrel Publication
3 v├йlem├йny
Oldalak sz├бma
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Shabdh - bikhare hue jazbaat... This is a Hindi written story, about a girl who goes through different stages, and is expensing her state, the situation, the feelings of her heart, in form of poem but together, it's called a story... The teenage period, of age 15 to age 22, the stages her heart goes, and the way, the words of others make her feel things... They break her, they join her, they question her, and she questions them... Maybe the questions goes through everyone's soul, but no one dares to answer them... The only answer she gets is... Well, read the book to find out what the actual state of mind is, at some particular situations...

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3 v├йlem├йny

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