Khan Say goodbye to hair fall with Baalon Ka Jhadna Kaise Rokein by Shameem Khan. The book offers natural remedies, dietary changes, and hair care routines to combat hair fall. Learn to protect and nourish your hair, promoting its health and vitality.
In her book, Shameem covers a wide range of topics related to hair loss, including hair care tips, natural remedies for hair loss, scalp health, hair growth, hair vitamins, hair loss causes, hair treatments, nutrition for hair, hair loss in women, hair loss in men, hair masks, stress and hair loss, hair products, hair health, strengthening hair, hair care routine, hair fall remedies, and balding solutions.
The book was a huge success, and soon, it was being sold all over the world. People began to use Shameem’s tips and advice to prevent hair loss and improve their hair health. Many of them even experienced amazing results, and their hair soon looked healthier than ever before.
Hair loss prevention, healthy hair, hair care tips, natural remedies for hair loss, scalp health, hair growth, hair vitamins, hair loss causes, hair treatments, nutrition for hair, hair loss in women, hair loss in men, hair masks, stress and hair loss, hair products, hair health, strengthening hair, hair care routine, hair fall remedies, balding solutions.
शमीम खान का जन्म इंदौर, मध्य प्रदेश में हुआ था। वहीं उन्होंने अपनी प्रारंभिक से लेकर पी-एच.डी. तक की शिक्षा प्राप्त की। वह देवी अहिल्या विश्वविद्यालय की पहली ऐसी छात्रा हैं, जिन्होंने पूरी तरह फिल्मों पर आधारित किसी विषय पर पी-एच.डी. की है। पी-एच.डी. के बाद उन्होंने दैनिक जागरण और तहलका के दिल्ली कार्यालय में पत्रकार के रूप में कार्य किया। वर्तमान में कई प्रतिष्ठित समाचार-पत्रों, पत्रिकाओं और प्रकाशन संस्थानों के साथ स्वतंत्र पत्रकार और अनुवादक के रूप में कार्यरत। ‘सिनेमा में नारी’ इनकी पहली पुस्तक है।
Khan Say goodbye to hair fall with Baalon Ka Jhadna Kaise Rokein by Shameem Khan. The book offers natural remedies, dietary changes, and hair care routines to combat hair fall. Learn to protect and nourish your hair, promoting its health and vitality.