Sharon Stewart - Bio
Lightworker, Astral Incarnate, Channeler, Blue Ray, Wayshower, Light Warrior, Author
When Ivo came through and introduced himself in 2015, Sharon awakened to her purpose on earth and began to understand the reason for all she has undergone. Her life has been a journey from victim consciousness and severe oppression by the Dark, to standing in her Light to connect with her Christ Self - the divine goddess Athena. Looking back through her past through the new perspective of an awakened extraterrestrial consciousness, Ivo helped her to make sense of her life, and she shares what she has learned with you.
Through her etheric/3D implant and plasma connection to Ivo, Sharon has been channeling information to earth. As the implant works on high frequencies only, she now enjoys working relationships with many other extraterrestrials/universals as well – the growing Implant Communications team! Well connected in the galaxy as Tiannia of Vega, Sharon astral projects to meet people of the galaxy and to garner more information for us here on earth.
Ivo's mandate for earth is to help awaken lightworkers and to help humanity as we ascend towards 5D, and Sharon is key in this. The only being able to channel him, they work as a team to spread information to awaken and enlighten all on earth.
Blue Ray - transmuter of negative energies, and empath - sensor of negative energies, and incarnation of Athena, holder of divine feminine energies and goddess of war and wisdom, Sharon has found herself constantly attacked by the dark throughout her lifetime. With a failed attempt on her life as a car "accident" behind her, visits by Men in Black and sightings of light and dark beings, Sharon continues to fight the dark with Ivo at her side and Archangel Michael on call to assist. No stranger to Direct Energy Weapon (DEWs) attacks, demonic and shapeshifting neighbours, Sharon leads a crazy life that only empowers her more each day. With guidance from Athena, Ashtar and Ivo, this will eventually leave her unflappable and unstoppable as she returns to standing in her total power as the being of love that she is.
In this, she leads others to their light as well.
Ivo and Sharon have written channeled books to provide information to Lightworkers and Starseeds who want to know why they are on earth, what is happening as they undergo Ascension and what will happen on 4D earth as GESARA law is implemented. Available where e-books are sold. Videos on youtube.