Siddhaguru® Ramanananda Maharshi is a spiritual master, a public-spirited and a self-less spiritual Guru possessing the qualities of the divine, love and benevolence. He believes “engaging people with God is a real social consciousness”. Many people across the globe are inspired by his spiritual works and turned to seek the wisdom of spirituality. His programs provide techniques for people to live and lead a balanced, material life with spiritual cognizance and dispassion.In 1994, Shirdi Sai Baba entered his life and blessed him with Sadguru Mata Poornanandagiri yogini, who blessed him to attain true nature. On 29th June 1995, He entered a twenty-one-day period of silence (Samadhi) in Kanakadurga temple of Kurnool in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
Siddhaguru authored 56 books on philosophy, religion and his guru, Shirdi Sai Baba. He composed 600 plus songs and offered it to the world.