Shootout Save: Renegades 6

· The Renegades Series Livro 6 · Melody Heck Gatto
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Is it true that love overcomes all?

Gorgeous hunk, Kaden O’Conner is carefree and always smiling. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s hot property—one half of the Renegades star goalie tandem—a confirmed bachelor, and has his pick of beautiful women. Everything he ever wanted has landed in his lap, and he’s determined to enjoy himself.

Alison Bishop had her professional figure skating chances ruined by an injury, but the natural beauty picked herself up, built up her own business, and still manages to teach kids how to ice skate in her spare time.

When an ice skating lesson overlaps a Renegades hockey fundraiser, Alison meets Kaden by chance, and is quickly catapulted into a hot romance that would melt the ice caps! Skates are off as the two throw caution to the wind. It’s all fun and games—until it isn’t.

When reality drops a bombshell in their laps, they find their romance is suddenly on thin ice. Now Kaden is on a mission to thaw Alison’s permafrost before he loses the one thing in life he didn’t realize he needed.

Keywords: hockey romance, sports romance, athlete hero, surprise pregnancy, surprise baby, bad boy, series romance, the renegades, Pittsburgh, Melody Heck Gatto, baby daddy, hockey hottie, hockey fiction, hockey novel, sports fiction

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