Should Christians celebrate a weekly Sabbath?

Surprising from Scripture įˆ˜įŒ½įˆį 12 Ā· Paragon Publishing
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įˆµįˆˆį‹šįˆ… įŠ¢-įˆ˜įŒ½įˆį

Ā Booklets in this first series:

On which days was Christ crucified and resurrected?

Can we know the year of Christ's crucifixion?

Does the Bibleā€™s Creation account accord with scientific discovery?

Was Christ crucified on a cross?

Why should families symbolise the church and kingdom of God?

Who should take the bread and wine, and when?

Can we be born again during this earthly life?

What annual festivals should Christians celebrate?

Is there a Holy Spirit God-person?

What is the true gospel?

When does the law end for a Christian?

Should Christians celebrate a weekly Sabbath?

Each booklet in this series focuses on one theme that is also covered more briefly in the 350-page book ā€œIsrael and the Covenants in New Testament Timesā€. Each study's conclusions come from what the Bible reveals consistently, answering all theĀ  objections the writer has heard, to leave nothing even apparently contradicted by any other Bible text. By this means they confirm that the booklet provides rock-solid Bible truth and that the Bible is truly the word of God.Ā 

Despite this, as the booklets' series title suggests, these conclusions are typically unexpected ā€“ a primary aim in writing and sharing them. If you find anything unpalatable, please recognise that God is the real author of what these booklets show and the author little more than a researcher and collator of the subject matter. Therefore, if you the reader cannot refute what a booklet in this series asserts directly from the Bible (surely nobody can), please give God your thanks and praise for allowing you to come to the truth from Him.

[ā€œIsrael and the Covenants in New Testament Timesā€ may be ordered on-line in the UK from or at good bookshops, and internationally from, in paperback or Amazon Kindle format: A4, 352 pages (Paragon Publishing: ISBN-10: 1-908341-68-8, ISBN-13: 978-1-908341-68-6.)]Ā 



The author of this book and the 12 booklets is a long-time member of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) in the UK who fully supports the WCG's foundational assertion that: ā€œThe Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God...ā€ (recognising that Bible translations are not perfect), so needs to be ā€œ...fully authoritative [the final arbiter] for all matters of faith and salvationā€. Everything written in his Bible-based books and booklets applies this understanding. (His deductions, opinions and conclusions concerning specific teachings are, of course, his own so do not necessarily coincide with any official WCG doctrinal position.)Ā 

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