Jeannine Lee, ACC, CPCC, GRC, CMHC is a certified life, relationship, and grief recovery coach working with singles and couples in all stages of relationship re-design including conscious divorce, effective reconciliations, successful singleness, and purposeful partnerships, to use the divorce experience as a powerful transformational tool.
She has trained with such prestigious coaching schools as the Coaches Training Institute, Center for Right Relationships, Complete Life Center, Grief Recovery Institute, and the Relationship Coaching Institute. She has trained with the Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals and works as a divorce coach in the collaborative divorce process.
Jeannine Lee is an author and speaker, speaking about the beauties of transition, transformation, and the importance of a designed life. She has been on Talking Divorce, and Dealing with Divorce radio programs as an emotional health expert. Locally she facilitates her Beyond Divorce Recovery and Empowerment; Moving On; and other personal growth programs.