Orphaned during the Second World War, Aelish and Isabel McGuireβknown as the twins of Belfastβare given over to the austere care of the Sisters of Bethlehem. Though they are each all the other has, the girls are propelled in opposite directions as they grow up. Rebellious Isabel turns her back on the church and Ireland, traveling to Newfoundland where she pursues a perilous yet independent life. Devout Aelish chooses to remain in Northern Ireland and takes the veil, burying painful truths beneath years of silence. For decades the two are separated, each unaware of the otherβs life. But after years of isolation Aelish is unexpectedly summoned to Newfoundland, where she and her estranged sister begin to bridge the chasm between them.
Reunion brings to light the painful secrets and seismic deceptions that have kept these sisters apart, leaving the McGuire twins to begin reconstructing their understanding about themselves as women and as familyβwhat they know of love, hope, and above all, forgiveness.
A story of faithβin religion, in the world, and in one anotherβSisters of Belfast is a heartbreaking, tragic, and deeply moving novel about survival and the enduring power of sisterhood.
Melanie Maure holds a Masterβs in Counselling Psychology and lives in central British Columbia. She is second generation Irish and spends a great deal of time in Ireland, which is an enduring source of inspiration for her work. Sisters of Belfast is her debut novel.