A young man’s uneventful life suddenly comes to an end when he randomly wakes up in an unknown world with only his childhood genius friend, Harold accompanying him.
Waking up with his hands and legs in binds, his fierce tribal captors with blood-soaked weapons yell at him in an unknown tongue; tension rises high as they prepare their weapons to execute them.
Now it is up to him and Harold to use their wits, tactics and a boatload of luck to survive in this situation and begin to uncover the greater mystery behind this new world and its inhabitants; and find if they can even return home.
Join our young protagonist in his journey as he discovers the truth behind this unknown world, all the while also contemplating the decisions, motivations, and actions taken by people including himself; As he applies his understanding of our world, society and the human mind to this new world, it reveals more about his world view and his psyche.
A journey spanning great distances; both in the vast unknown world and in the unknown depths of our protagonist's mind.