Stacey Dugliss-Wesselman launched Cold Spring Apothecary (, a line of health, beauty, and home products that adhere to sustainable practices for people and the planet. At Cold Spring Apothecary, everything is made in small batches in Cold Spring, New York, by Stacey herself. And instead of harmful synthetic chemicals, organic ingredients are the cornerstone of each product. Stacey was the recipient of a Daily Candy Start Small, Go Big entrepreneur award in 2011. She lives in Hudson Valley, NY.
Susan Gregg is the author of six books, including The Toltec Way and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Short Meditations. Her podcast, "Food for the Soul," has earned a loyal following of thousands of listeners. She teaches Internet-based classes, as well as teleclasses, and was a speaker at The Whole Life Expos in LA and Boston. She also teaches classes at The Learning Annex, First Class in Washington, DC, The Boston Learning Society, and the Discovery Center in Chicago.