The earliest adventures of Miyamoto Usagi, Stan Sakai's celebrated rabbit _ronin_, are available online for the first time as part of Dark Horse's complete digital presentation of _Usagi Yojimbo_! _Classic Usagi Yojimbo_ #4 is the final collection of early Usagi short stories, including one pre-_Usagi Yojimbo_ #1 tale and two from early in the series' run. Gen returns in Bounty Hunter II,� a story from _Critters_ #14 cementing the friendship between rabbit and rhino; Usagi navigates a haunted forest in The Tangled Skein� from _Critters_ #38; and a fancy hairpin is the key to a ghostly mystery, in Yurei� from _Critters_ #50! This collection of essential stories is the best introduction available to Stan Sakai's enduring masterpiece!