Stella Kladou is a Postdoc researcher at the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Crete, Greece. She has served as an Assistant Professor in the Tourism Administration Department at Bogaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey and a Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. Her PhD in 'Evaluating Cultural City Brands: The case of Athens, Istanbul and Rome', was realized in cooperation with the Hellenic Open University in Greece, Istanbul Bilgi University in Turkey and the University of Rome La Sapienza in Italy, and partially funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. She has published in prominent academic journals and books of international publishers, and presented at well-esteemed international conferences. She has participated and/or led several international and national projects as a researcher or consultant. She is an International Place Brand Specialist for the Place Brand Observer, and in the scientific and editorial board of international conferences and the Journal of Qualitative Research in Tourism respectively. Her research mainly pertains to place branding, cultural and wine tourism, and digital marketing.
Konstantinos Andriotis is a Professor in Tourism at Middlesex University London. He holds a PhD in Tourism Development and Planning (Bournemouth University, 2000) and a Post Doc in Tourism Marketing (Hellenic Open University, 2006). He edits the 'International Journal of Tourism Policy', the 'Journal of Qualitative Research in Tourism' and the CABI Regional Tourism Series. He has an h-index of 32 and more than 4500 citations. He was listed in the Stanford University list of top 2 per cent of scientists in the World. His research interests include tourism development and planning, alternative forms of tourism, tourism experience and degrowth.
Anna Farmaki is Assistant Professor in Tourism Management at the Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus. She holds a doctorate (PhD) in marketing. She has worked for several years in private institutions of tertiary education in Cyprus and was course leader of the undergraduate hospitality and tourism management programme at the University of Central Lancashire (Cyprus). She has published extensively in reputable, peer-reviewed academic journals and has presented her work in various international conferences, seminars and workshops. Anna is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and a member of the Management Committee in several COST Actions. She has also been involved and/or led several nationally and internationally funded research projects. In addition, she is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Tourism Management Perspectives, Tourism Review and the Journal of Service Theory and Practice. Her research interests lie primarily in the areas of tourism planning and development with emphasis on sustainable tourism, and tourist behaviour.
Dimitrios Stylidis, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in Tourism Marketing at the University of Crete, Greece. Prior to this, he was Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Research Cluster Leader at Middlesex University London, and a Postdoc Researcher and Visiting Lecturer at the Ben-Gurion University, Israel. Dimitrios holds an MSc and PhD in tourism from the University of Surrey, U.K. His research interests include place image and marketing, tourist destination image and behaviour, tourism impacts and sustainable development. His work has been published in several journals including Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, and Journal of Sustainable Tourism.