Stephan Baer studied physics at ETH Zürich and at the ENS Paris. He was awarded an ETH medal for his MSc work on electron-phonon interaction in graphene nanostructures. During his PhD, he investigated the properties of fractional quantum Hall states in confined geometries, such as quantum point contacts, quantum dots and interferometers. The emphasis of this work lies on exploring the properties of exotic fractional quantum Hall states, like the \nu = 5/2 state. Since 2014, he continues his research at ETH Zürich as a PostDoc.
Klaus Ensslin received his bachelor's degree from the University of Munich in 1983 and bis master's degree from ETH Zurich in 1986. He did his PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart followed by a postdoc at the University of California in Santa Barbara 1989-91. After several years as a university assistant at the University of Munich he became professor at ETH Zurich in 1995 and has stayed there every since. In 2011 Klaus Ensslin became director of the National Center of Competence in Research on "Quantum Science and Technology".