Steven Furtick es el autor de los éxitos de venta del New York Times Crash the Chatterbox (Bloquea al Charlatán), Greater (Cosas Mayores), Sun Stand Still (Sol, Detente), y (Un)Qualified [(Des)Calificado]. Es fundador y pastor principal de Elevation Church, con base en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte, que desde su fundación en el 2006 ha crecido a más de veinte mil miembros en múltiples localidades, tanto en Carolina del Norte como en varios estados. Predica alrededor del mundo, y ostenta una maestría en Divinidad de Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Los pastores Steven y Holly viven en el área de Charlotte con sus tres hijos, Elijah, Graham y Abbey. //
Steven Furtick is the founder and lead pastor of Elevation Church, based in Charlotte, NC, which since its founding in 2006 has grown to more than twenty thousand attendees at twelve locations. He speaks at major conferences across the United States and around the world. Steven holds a master of divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is the New York Times best-selling author of Crash the Chatterbox, Greater, Sun Stand Still, and (Un)Qualified. Pastor Steven and Holly live in the Charlotte area with their three children, Elijah, Graham, and Abbey.