Some of the material in the newest edition has been reorganized. For example, the first chapter introduces service strategy, the product/process matrix and flexible manufacturing systems, benchmarking, the productivity frontier, the innovation curve, and lean production as a strategy. The focus is slightly more international. The analysis of capacity growth planning now appears in the chapter on supply chain analytics. Aggregate planning details were added to chapter 3, including chase and level strategies in an appendix to the chapter. There is an expanded discussion on risk pooling in the chapter on supply chain strategy. The mechanics behind lean production are included in the chapter on push and pull production systems. The chapter on quality and assurance downplays sampling in favor of discussions of quality management, process capability, and the waste elimination side of lean. The separate chapter on facilities layout and location was eliminated and the information redistributed throughout the text.
The authors reinforce the learning process through key points at the beginning of each chapter to guide the reader, snapshots that provide useful examples of applications to businesses, and historical notes that provide a context for the topics discussed. Production and Operations Analytics, 8/e provides the tools for adapting to the dynamic global marketplace.