Vickie Watts
Julie Holliday loves her husband with all of her heart, but his betrayal sends her into shock waves of despair so deep that she has to flee from him. The author’s description of the heights of Julie’s love and the depths of her despair were heartbreaking. At first, I didn’t really know whether to believe that Dan had really cheated on her or whether she just wasn’t communicating with him enough. When she leaves him behind in New York and heads to Rhode Island on her own, I still was not convinced that Dan was a bad guy. There were so many tender love scenes between the two of them before she left. I enjoyed the book but I was confused for much of it. Did Dan cheat or not? Was Julie crazy in love or just crazy? I think that may have been the way I was supposed to be thinking. The book is interspersed with Biblical lessons and great quotations that teach lessons. Parts of it were a bit trite, but that was okay because the story itself was a good one that needed to be told. I think that my favorite character was Teresa, the young woman whom Julie befriends in Rhode Island and who knows her secrets and has tea with her whenever she needs comfort or just to talk to someone. This is a story about love, relationships and family. There is a deeper theme but I don’t want to reveal it lest I reveal the entire plot. The plot was like being on a roller coaster ride, but it was an enjoyable one. Fans of clean romance should buckle up and prepare for a realistic, heart-felt story of love, loss and love again. Disclaimer Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author via Bookish First. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guides Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”
Kelsey Bickmore
It was sad to read about Julie and how she believes that her husband Dan is cheating on her and has done so multiple times over the years. I am glad that she was able to stop it from eating her up and also to get a new life for herself, without him, hard though it was after so many years together and to rely on God to help support her through those difficult times especially being afflicted with separation anxiety and being diabetic. I enjoyed reading about the work it took to get the Inn on Rhode Island up and running, from buying the place to the construction and then when it got up and running (and was so successful). Plus how Julie used her dream of owning an inn to raise up others and give them better opportunities as well. It is inspiring! This quote from the book sums up the inn quite well: "Remember, this will be our home, and our workplace, as well as our place of enjoyment. The inn will belong to all of us." I know this was inspired by A True Love Story so not all of it is real but I would love to go visit Rhode Island now. It sounds lovely. This was an enjoyable book to read once Julie decided to leave and start her own life and like who she is again and grow strong enough to stand on her own.