The world is changing, A few short years ago a manual tester would run tests against software to check that the requirements had been satisfied. Fast forward to today and businesses want fast test execution, Continuous Integration with little to no human intervention.Stop Coding is a step-by-step guide into the new way of automated testing, using ground-breaking tools like Katalon Studio, a tool that allows you to test automate without coding.
Easy-to-follow, eye-opening and comprehensive, Stop Coding will let you in on the processes and frameworks you should master, useful tips to make you the most eligible candidate in a job interview and all the little details that will lead you to the automation testing job.
Get first-hand experience from Ajamo Adams who entered the automation arena by curbing the coding challenge and delve into the mysteries of pro standard testing WITHOUT coding!
With free Katalon Studio training courses, intеrviеw рrераrаtiоnѕ and аdviсе, including information on what уоu should and ѕhоuldn‘t do in the interview process. Rеѕоurсеѕ on working in an agile environment, real intеrviеw ԛuеѕtiоnѕ with answers and everything else needed to get that automation testing job.