Dr Stuart Crisp got his first degree at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, then Addenbrooke's Hospital. He trained in Paeds in Norwich, Reading, and Oxford, with advanced paediatric training at the Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney and Oxford Children's Hospital. He has extensive experience in paediatric intensive care, emergency medicine, and retrieval medicine & flew with paediatric and neonatal retrieval teams in Sydney. Presently, he is still hands on as Consultant via a busy rural paediatric clinic and general hospital in New South Wales, Australia & is Advanced Paediatric Life Support and Neonatal Life Support Instructor. He earned the Rural Teaching award (University of Sydney/Children's Hospital Westmead).He enjoys teaching junior doctors, students, and para-medical staff. His Hobbies include local league cricket, taxiing children, and gloating about England winning the Ashes. Dr Jo Rainbow graduated from Oxford 1993 and trained in Paediatrics at John Radcliffe, Oxford until 1997. She decided to have a year out in Australia to recover from the MRCP, and never returned. She completed her subspecialty training in Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Childrens' Hospital at Westmead and Sydney Children's Hospital - the major paediatric trauma centres for Sydney, and tertiary paediatric hospitals for NSW. She met her husband while on secondment to Orange, a regional centre 3 hours/250 km from Sydney. She is now juggling motherhood, part-time work, and a fluctuating golf handicap.