Something very interesting is happening. Children are becoming more intuitive, more psychic.
While there have always been a handful of children who have premonitions, can see those who have passed over, or have 'imaginary' friends, there are more of these children around now. Life can be hard for these children, unless they have adults who will listen and who understand these things.
In Psychic Kids Sue Bishop looks at highly gifted psychic children who talk with deceased grandparents and play with children in the spirit world, who have past life recall, see angels and auras, have a healing gift or can pick up on what has happened in places years before they were born. In this rich collection of real life stories, Sue explores these topics and more, giving the reader fascinating insights into what is really going on with these children. She also offers good advice on how to deal with these situations should you have one of these remarkable children in your life.
'An indispensible guide to raising intuitive children, Psychic Kids is packed with practical tips on how to support and nurture your child's gifts, helping them confidently step into their spiritual power. As a psychic and mum to two intuitive kids, Bishop is a true authority. She may even inspire you to awaken your own sixth sense.' - Bonnie Cleaver, senior writer and alternatives editor, Good Health
'Sue's percepttion and expertise in the field is second to none. She knows how to reach out and captivate her audience with her experuience and lively manner.' - Harry Michaels OAM