Nick Makrides is a YouTuber who dedicated himself full time to his channel The Scran Line about four years ago, having been inspired by the success of Laura Vitale. He has a design background, but also spent time in the navy – hence The Scran Line, which is a reference to standing in line for food (scran). Before going full time with his channel, he worked for two years in a commercial kitchen as a pastry chef. His inspirations are Beyoncé, his grandmother and his mother, and he considers himself an ambassador for the LGBTQI+ community.
Each week he uploads two new recipes to his YouTube channel, showing his audience of over 1 million followers how to make outrageous cupcakes, cakes and macarons. He uses his skills as a pastry chef and graphic designer to put his sweet treats together taking inspiration from his obsessions with pop culture and music. Most of the time that is Beyoncé or Lady Gaga. But it also might be a colour, a pattern, a film or a character.
In his words, his mission is to celebrate positivity and strength through teaching his audience how to bake amazing treats and how to have fun being creative in the kitchen.