This is an open access book. Covid-19 has shaped many new perspectives on the order of life around the world. This perspective encourages humans to get used to a life model that is different from the life model before the pandemic era known as the new life order. This new life order will certainly have an impact on all existing aspects, such as health and economic aspects.At a time when this infectious disease continues to spread throughout the world and no one sure when it will end, degenerative diseases continue to show an increasing trend in the number of sufferers from time to time. It has resulted in an increasing burden on health services. So that an effective and efficient solution is needed to control this situation.
Degenerative is a disease due to decreased function of the existing systems in the body. It occurs due to hereditary factors, an unhealthy lifestyle or aging. Degenerative diseases occur in all systems, such as the neurological system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system and musculoskeletal system. The result of this disease is a gradual decline in the quality of life of the sufferer.
Various disciplines in the health sector have an important role in controlling or preventing this disease. Such as in the fields of medicine, nursing, midwifery, public health and pharmacy. One of the roles that can be shown is from the aspect of health research.
Research requires clear consideration in its implementation and have to consider the outputs that obtained from it. Research with broad impact on the control and prevention of degenerative diseases needs benefit of the users such as the community immediately to achieve a healthy and productive society in the Pandemic era of the Covid-19.
Various effective and efficient comprehensive approaches need to be studied more deeply to find the best solution, such as implementation of various scientific meetings. One of them is through the idea of implementing the 2022 Tapanuli International Health Conference. This scientific meeting will bring together various experts and researchers to share the latest information regarding the prevention of degenerative diseases, as an effort to create a healthy and productive society.