Through historical and contemporary perspectives on authority structures, institutionalised myths, beliefs, and rituals of authority, the volume explores how to correctly mobilise and influence citizens’ behaviour and attitudes towards accountability, transparency and probity, all of which are key to strengthening national integrity systems all over Africa, and are needed for equity and sustainable development. The book strongly advocates that corruption is everybody’s business.
All the chapters in some way commemorate the inaugural anti-corruption year of the African Union in 2018 by interrogating how mechanisms to eliminate inequity and poverty can be built in Africa.
Pregala Pillay is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences and Professor in the School of Public Leadership at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. As an academic, she has more than 20 years’ experience in teaching, and her areas of expertise include contemporary issues in public administration, local government, service delivery, ethics, leadership and corruption.
Chris Jones was a church minister in Ceres for close to 20 years before moving to Stellenbosch at the beginning of 2008 to establish the Unit for Moral Leadership at the Faculty of Theology of Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He currently heads the unit, and is also a Research Fellow within the discipline group Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology. He is the author of a number of books, chapters in books and articles.