Have you ever been speechless when someone asked you, “Who came first, the hen or the egg? How big is the Universe? Have you seen God?”
Or, “Why do dogs bark in the night when the earthquake would just be going to strike?” Or, “If electrons are moving around the nucleus, like planets do in the universe?” and, so on...
The list of such elusive questions may be numerous, but, if something is happening and observable to the human, then, it follows a law of science, BASED ON facts and figures, which, indirectly makes an intelligent and sound-minded person liable to answer these matters popularised as riddles in our society due to lack of knowledge or clarity.
It has been noticed that, those who have raised such questions also failed to come up with a logical and convincing answer to such questions. In turn, to make others speechless, they try to imply similar questions.
However, after reading this book, one may find himself in a position to find answers to all such questions or may acquire a concept to think and reach a level of understanding that he may derive the answer to further such evolving questions.
Thus, the creation of every object found in this universe has followed a system and an attempt has been made to introduce the readers to such systems.
That’s why what you think is not important but rather how you think is more important.