Prof. Surajit Pathak, PhD is currently working as a Professor at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Kelambakkam, Chennai (From 2015-till date). He worked as a Principal Research Scientist in Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden (2022 May- Dec 2022). He is also a Visiting Professor of Shoolini University, HP and Adjunct Professor at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab. He has received his Ph.D. degree from India in 2007, and completed his Post-Doctoral training (2007-2016) at the University of Alabama, USA, University of Padova, Italy and University of Linkoping, Sweden.
His current research focuses on role of microRNAs for early detection of colorectal cancer. He has published more than 150 research and review articles in peer-reviewed international journals of repute with 3200 citations and 32 h-index. He serves as an editorial board member for several prestigious international high-impact journals, including "Current Aging Sciences," "Toxics" (MDPI). Dr. Pathak has edited several books of Springer Nature and Elsevier publishers on Stem Cells and Cancer. He is a member of several professional research organizations, including the Indian Association of Cancer Research (IACR), Indian Science Congress Association, Society of Toxicology (SOT), USA, the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society, Europe (AMS) and the ReGenera Research Group in Italy and the Founding member of The Indian Extracellular Vesicles Society (IEVS).
Dr. Antara Banerjee is presently working as an Associate Professor at Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai from 2016 till date. Dr. Banerjee pursued her post-doctoral research on Cancer Biology and Regenerative Medicine at University of Padova, Italy and Linkoping University in collaboration, Sweden. These works fostered her interest in understanding the role of the mesenchymal niche and extra-cellular vesicles in tissue regeneration and exploring signaling pathways in governing stem cell fate. Dr Banerjee’s lab is interested in aspects of analyzing the tumor specific microenvironment in colon cancer development including the epigenetic signals as a novel therapeutic strategy.
She has published over 135 research and review articles in peer reviewed International and National Journals with citation index-2387 and i10-index 54, h-index-24 and has active collaboration with research laboratories in Sweden, Italy, Norway, Turkey, Mexico and India. She has been granted with 2 patent on her research works. She has been awarded with Awarded Young Scientist award by DST SERB, Govt of India. She is the Editor of books with Springer Publishers namely “Cancer Stem Cells: New Horizons in Cancer Therapies”; “Handbook of Animal Models and its Uses in Cancer Research” and “Evidence-Based Functional Foods for Prevention of Age-related Diseases”. She is lifetime member and affiliated with professional research bodies including Indian Association of Cancer Research, Indian Science Congress, Indian society of Extra cellular vesicles.