In a world where the destructive influences of the feminist movement are creeping into the church, Christian women need to be aware of what God teaches concerning His good design for them. Contrary to popular belief and, sadly, even some opinions within Christendom, feminism has not helped or improved Gods original design for women. In fact, feminism and Gods truth are diametrically opposedthey are polar opposites! Feminism is Satans cheap counterfeit of Gods good intention for women.
God is not silent throughout scripture concerning His plan for women, marriage, and the family. He holds each of us accountable to learn, trust, and apply what He has ordained. Gods design for women still applies to us today just as much as it did when He created us uniquely for our role in the world. God wants believers to know what a virtuous, God-fearing, honest, modest, righteous, and hard-working woman isright now in the twenty-first century!
Susan Brackley is a women’s Bible teacher. She is dedicated to helping women learn God’s Word and apply His truths to their everyday lives. She has been teaching and counseling women for over twenty-five years. She and her husband, Robert, have been active in Christian ministry for over thirty-one years. They have six children and nine grandchildren.