In addition to being a well-written, highly entertaining historical account of the late Jane Roberts and her class, Conversations with Seth reveals the profound insights discovered by class members--insights into the origin of both the troubling and triumphant events in our lives and into the vast nature of human consciousness. Roberts' Seth material is consistently one of the top two most visited collections at the Yale University Archives. The story that launched the New Age movement.
Susan Watkins is the author of books in several genres. Her most recent is What a Coincidence!, which explores the meaning of coincidence in our lives. She lives in upstate New York.
Jane Roberts (1929-1984), a prolific and courageous writer of fiction and non-fiction, and poetry, is considered one of the most important psychics of the twentieth century. From 1963 through 1984, Seth, who described himself as an "energy personality essence no longer focused in physical matter," spoke through Roberts.