Some Examples:
1. Emotional Manipulation: Hustlers often play on emotions like greed, fear, or insecurity to influence decisions.
2. Flattery and Charm: They may use charisma and compliments to disarm and manipulate their targets.
3. Information Control: Hustlers may withhold important details or provide misleading information to control the narrative and gain an advantage.
4. Creating Urgency: Urgency tactics like limited-time offers or scarcity can pressure people into making impulsive decisions without adequate consideration.
5. Complex Jargon: Using technical language or complicated terms can confuse victims and prevent them from fully understanding the situation.
6. Isolation: Hustlers may try to isolate their targets from outside influences or advice to maintain control and prevent interference.
7. Overpromising and Underdelivering: They often make extravagant promises but fail to deliver on them, leaving victims disappointed and out of pocket.
By recognizing these tactics, individuals can better protect themselves from falling victim to hustlers and make more informed decisions.
Nutritionist and researcher.