Susanne Garvis is a professor of early childhood education at Griffith University, Australia. She is a member of the Griffith Institute for Educational Research. Susanne is an international expert in early childhood education policy, quality and teacher education. She has been involved in national and international research projects and worked with NGOS, professional organisations and agencies throughout the world.
Donna Pendergast is the Arts, Education and Law Group Director of Engagement at Griffith University, Australia. She is former Dean of the School of Education and Professional Studies for fourteen years at Griffith University, Australia. She specialises in early and middle years research and teacher education, school reform, and student engagement. Donna received the Research Supervision Award in the 2017 Griffith University Vice Chancellor's Research Excellence Awards and in 2018 she was honored with the Australian Council for Educational Leadership Miller-Grassie Award for Outstanding Leadership in Education. In 2022 she was awarded the Outstanding Contribution to Education Award from the Australian Council of Deans of Education.