This volume provides a platform for authors to discuss and debate the implications of research findings on current practices that reflect policies of each country. The research presented spans from challenges in teacher training to case studies of family practices around early child development to problematise the key components of teacher education and family practices that impact young children’s education and care. By problematising the key issues, chapter authors discuss the shifting paradigm of early childhood education and the importance of future research in informing these changes.
Offering key policy and practice insights across 19 different countries, this book is a must-read for early childhood educators, researchers, early childhood organisations, policy makers and those interested to know more about early childhood within an international perspective.
Susanne Garvis is Professor of Child and Youth Studies (Early Childhood) at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She is a guest professor at Stockholm University and the current leader of the Nordic Early Childhood Group (NECA). Her research interests include quality, policy and learning in early childhood education and care.
Sivanes Phillipson is Professor of Education and Associate Dean International at the Faculty of Health, Arts and Design, Swinburne University of Technology. She is also the Routledge Series Editor for Evolving Families. With 20 years in higher education sector, she is currently leading and consulting on a number of national and international projects on families and children education.