The cases are descriptions of a real system, it’s functioning and it’s instructions for use. The systems selected represent a broad spectrum of mechanical engineering issues or problems: fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, heating, ventilation and cooling, vibrations, dynamics, statics, failure of materials, automatic and mecatronics, hydraulics, product design, human factors, maintenance, rapid prototyping to name a few. The professional objective of the cases proposed is to design or improve the design of the described system. This book is a must to transfer knowledge to future engineers with respect to hazards resulting from their work.
Expert in biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system and associate member of ÉREST, Yvan Petit is in charge of the imaging and orthopedics laboratory at Sacré-Cœur Hospital of Montreal. He has notably contributed to the development of surgical tools and implants. He is actively involved in bone quality assessment to prevent and repair fractures.
Stéphane Hallé is expert in energy exchange analysis and air flow in buildings and Deputy Director of ÉREST. His research developments focus on ventilation strategies, on indoor air quality, tools to model the transportation, dispersion and agglomeration of nanoparticles.
François Morency is expert in modeling and simulation of industrial problems associated to the transportation of particles and ice formation and Deputy Director of ÉREST. His research focus on modeling tools that enables the prediction of ice accumulation on complex geometries in the field of aeronautics and in preventing the harmful effects caused by the dispersion of nanoparticles.
Louis Dufresne’s field of expertise is related to fluid dynamics and in particular to the application of CFD to the study of vortical and turbulent flows. His present research activities involve the numerical simulation of atmospheric boundary layer, wake vortex dynamics and mixing dynamics. Professor Dufresne also teaches courses in fluid dynamics, aerodynamics and gas turbine propulsion.