"The objective of this volume is to examine the Cenozoic tectonic and magmatic evolution from the arc to the retroarc of a distinctive end-member of the Andean accretionary orogen between 35*S and 39*S. The evolution of the Andes in this region provides an outstanding case study of an orogen where periods of contraction and extension, crustal shortening and normal faulting, and differences in retroarc volcanism reflect a tectonic regime that alternates in space and time. Structural, magmatic, and paleogeographic patterns correlate strongly with the dynamics of the subduction zone. The region includes the Neuquen basin which is one of the most prolific of the Central Andes. The tectonic setting is important in understanding hydrocarbon systems of the sub-Andean basin and the potential for ore deposits in the cordillera. The book is fundamental for researchers working on tectonics and magmatism in Andean type systems as well as those involved in exploration."--Publisher's website.