Embark on a whimsical journey with Meghan Scott, a school librarian with a penchant for breaking the rules. In a moment of daring, spurred on by her mischievous girlfriends, Meghan finds herself dancing au naturel around Cupid's fountain. Little does she know that this impulsive act will set off a chain of events, including a run-in with her past.
Enter Max Vandenburg, a former professional football player, and Meghan's once-upon-a-time sweetheart. Shocked to witness Meghan's escapade, Max sees an opportunity to mend the heartbreak from seven years ago. Can Max charm the real story from Meghan's lips, or will their shared history remain shrouded in mystery?
As Cupid's arrow takes aim at their hearts, Meghan and Max must confront the ghosts of their high school romance. But not everything is as it seems, and the past holds secrets that could either tear them apart or bring them closer than ever. Will these two star-crossed lovers rediscover the true meaning of love, or is history destined to repeat itself?
Small town romance, cowboy romance, western contemporary, love story, western romance, contemporary romance, romantic comedy, sensual romance, USA Today Bestselling Author, steamy, Cupid, Valentine romance
USA Today bestselling author Sylvia McDaniel has published more than ninety western historical, contemporary romance and even a few sci-fi novels. Known for her sweet, funny, family-oriented stories, Sylvia is the author of The Burnett Brides, Lipstick and Lead, Return to Cupid, Texas and The Kissing Oaks Billionaire Brothers series.