When you buy this book, you will get intelligently designed kettlebell workouts that deliver results for people at home with one or more kettlebells from beginner to advanced and always scalable. The book contains kettlebell strength workouts, AMRAP workouts, FOR TIME workouts, high-intensity interval workouts, flexibility and mobility workouts, endurance workouts, and so much more.
The book contains many under 20 and 30-minute workouts for people who are limited on time. Just grab your kettlebell, pick a 12-minute workout, and get your calorie burn in for the day. You will also get strategies and plans to incorporate these workouts into a long-term progression for certain goals. For those who are not yet familiar with all kettlebell techniques, the book also includes tips on form and technique plus common mistakes.
It’s very rare that a double kettlebell workout from this book can’t be performed with a single kettlebell and just performing the work on one side and then the other. Therefore, even if you have just one kettlebell, you can still complete the double kettlebell workouts and as you progress with your technique and strength, you can work your way up to double kettlebell work.
Each of these workouts has been designed and completed by myself, they have been completed by other Cavemantrainers, and many of our private members. In other words, they have been tested before they got to you.
When it comes to kettlebell challenges, usually, I include quite a few challenges in the book, this time, the book is full of workouts and I picked the best so that there was no need to include more than two challenges. There is so much info on one of the challenges that you really could spend the rest of your training days following the challenge and obtain some of the best results you've ever seen with your training. When I completed this challenge, I was in the best shape of my life.
Cavemantraining, creating workouts since 2009. We have made it our mission to do things differently from the start and go against the grain. We’re not stuck on one style or one way of doing things. We experiment, we analyze, we progress, and we create some of the best hybrid workouts out there.
Cavemantraining is a pioneer in the kettlebell world. We’ve designed over one thousand unique and original kettlebell workouts. Each one has been carefully designed with a goal in mind, so there’s something for everyone looking to improve their strength through kettlebells.
Since 2009, Cavemantraining has served over 18,000 online students, sold over 15,000 books, created videos with over 12 million views, and built online communities reaching over 150 thousand people. We hope you’ll allow us to be a part of your journey as you discover and learn everything there is about the kettlebell.
Who Will Benefit From Buying This Book?
Literally, anyone who has at least one kettlebell and is interested in some of the world’s best kettlebell workouts will benefit from buying this book. There are basic workouts, beginner workouts, complex, double kettlebell, and advanced exercises in this book, but it’s for everyone. I provide clear instructions on how to perform two-kettlebell workouts if you only have one bell, and I explain alternatives and progressions so that you can complete the workout and work your way up to the more advanced exercise when they are used.
This book is for those who are tired of performing boring workouts that just contain swings, presses, squats, and presses. This book is for those who want to venture further and expand their knowledge to see what’s truly available in the kettlebell world. It’s for people who want to benefit from endurance, cardio, strength, power, flexibility, mobility, hybrid workouts, and so much more exciting training.
My name is Taco Fleur. The first thing I'd like you to know about me is that I do not know everything, I don't pretend to know everything, and I never will. I'm on a path of lifelong learning. I believe there is always something to learn from someone, no matter who they are.
I've been physically active since the day I arrived on this earth in 1973. I got serious about training in 1999, touched a kettlebell for the first time in 2004, and got serious about kettlebell training in 2009. I'm here to do what I love most, and that is to share my knowledge with the world.
Some of my qualifications are:
Russian Girevoy Sport Institute Kettlebell Coach
International Kettlebell Sport and Fitness Academy Certified Kettlebell Coach
International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation Certified Kettlebell Teacher
Kettlebell Sport Rank 2
HardstyleFit Kettlebell Level 1 Instructor
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Judges Certificate
CrossFit Lesson Planning Certificate
Kettlebells Level 2 Trainer
Kettlebell Science and Application
MMA Fitness Level 2
MMA Conditioning Level 1
BJJ Purple Belt
and more...
Owner of Cavemantraining and IKU™ (International Kettlebell University),. Author on BoxRox. Featured in 4 issues of the Iron Man magazine. I have owned and set up 3 functional kettlebell gyms in Australia and Vietnam, and lived in the Netherlands, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Italy, Tanzania, Albania, and I’m currently living in Greece.
Some of my personal bests are:
30 consecutive days of Kettlebell Strength training
2 × 28kg/62lb (total 56kg/124lb) half snatch
1 hour unbroken clean and jerk with a 16kg/35lb
45 minutes unbroken clean and jerk with a 20kg/44lb
400 burpees performed within one hour
500 kettlebell snatches, 500 swings, and 500 double-unders completed in one session
250 alternating dead clean and presses in one session with 20kg/44lb
200 pull-ups in one session
200 unbroken kettlebell swings with a 28kg/62lb
Most kettlebell swings completed in one session with a 28kg/62lb (1,501)
Most total kettlebell swings completed in 28 days with a 28kg/62lb (11,111)
Windmill with a 40kg/88lb kettlebell
Chest press with two 40kg/88lb dumbbells (total 80kg)
Lugged a 16kg/35lb kettlebell up a 3,479m mountain
160kg deadlift
50 CrossFit Burpees and 100 single-arm swings unbroken in 5:34
100 snatches on sand with a 24kg/53lb kettlebell
85kg Olympic Squat Snatch
300 unbroken clean and jerk with 20kg/44lb kettlebell
10 minute unbroken clean and jerk 80 reps with 2 × 16kg/35lb kettlebells
532 unbroken snatches and achieved rank 2 in kettlebell sport
100 TGUs @ 20kg/44lb in one session
I mention these PBs not to boast but to demonstrate that I have a good understanding of technique and movement across different areas.
My own training and goals are geared around GPP (General Physical Preparedness), which involves kettlebell training, calisthenics, mobility, and CrossFit.
I like high-volume reps but also like greasing the groove now and again. My main goals are to remain as agile and mobile as possible, to train in as many planes of movement as possible, and to learn as many different exercise combinations and movements as possible while having fun and enjoying other ways of movement such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
I'm no Arnold Schwarzenegger and never will be, but strength is not solely defined by physical appearance and huge bulging muscles.
You can read more about my training, philosophy, and other ramblings on the Cavemantraining website, www.cavemantraining.com, and on the Cavemantraining YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/