The snatch truly works each and every major joint in the body, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbow, and wrists. For strength, you can't deny the major areas that will improve, such as, latissimus dorsi, deltoid, triceps, erector spinae, abdominals, glute, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, quadriceps, lumbrical muscles, and many more.
All these properties make it the king of kettlebell exercises, an exercise everyone should include in his or her training. Mastering the snatch takes time, as someone who has completed 532 unbroken snatches in 30 minutes, working with kettlebells for over a decade, and trained thousands of people across the world, I'm able to break down the snatch step-by-step in such a way that you can go from zero to comfortably snatching at the end of the 21 days.
The snatch is an exercise in which a weight is lifted in one continuous motion from start to overhead with an explosive movement in which the weight arrives at the top through velocity generated at the start till approximately middle of the full movement.
Includes many photos of the exercises and drills broken down step-by-step. Bonus links to videos which demo the full movement and drills.
This book is not just for those wanting to learn how to snatch but also for those wanting to know the snatch exercise inside out.
As I get older (currently 45) I truly believe that the snatch is an exercise that older people should be doing to remain explosive and have one go to exercise to work the whole body. I've recently taught a 60-year-old how to snatch and I see how his posture and movement changed from day one.
My name is Taco Fleur, and I'm an IKFF Certified Kettlebell Trainer, Kettlebell Level 1 + 2 Trainer, Kettlebell Science and Application, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, MMA Conditioning Level 1, MMA Fitness Level 1 + 2, Punchfit Trainer and Plyometrics Trainer Certified, with a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have owned and set up 3 functional kettlebell gyms in Australia and Vietnam, and lived in the Netherlands, Australia, Vietnam and Thailand. I'm currently living in Spain.Fleur, and I'm an IKFF Certified Kettlebell Trainer, Kettlebell Level 1 + 2 Trainer, Kettlebell Science and Application, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, MMA Conditioning Level 1, MMA Fitness Level 1 + 2, Punchfit Trainer and Plyometrics Trainer Certified, with a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have owned and set up 3 functional kettlebell gyms in Australia and Vietnam, and lived in the Netherlands, Australia, Vietnam and Thailand. I'm currently living in Spain.andThailand. I'm currently living in Spain.
The first thing I'd like to know about is that I do not know everything, I do not pretend to know everything, and I never will. I'm on a path of life-long learning. I believe there is always something to learn from someone, no matter who they are. I've been physically active since the day I arrived on this earth in 1973. I got serious about training in 1999, touched a kettlebell for the first time in 2004, and got serious about kettlebell training in 2009. I'm here to do what I love most, and that is to share my knowledge with the world.
Some of my personal bests are 400 burpees performed under one hour; 500 kettlebell snatches, 500 swings and 500 double-unders all completed in one session; 250 alternating dead clean and presses in one session with 20kg; 200 pull-ups in one session; 200 unbroken kettlebell swings with a 28kg; most kettlebell swings completed in one session with a 28kg (1,501); most total kettlebell swings done in 28 days with a 28kg (11,111); windmill with a 40kg kettlebell; lugged to kettlebell up to 1,184m mountain; 160kg dead lift; 250 alternating dead clean and presses in one session with 20kg; 100 snatches on sand with a 24kg kettlebell; 85kg Olympic Squat Snatch; Gold medalist with 30 minutes of unbroken 16kg half snatches for a total of 532 reps.PBs not to boast but to demonstrate that I have a good understanding of technique and movement across different areas.
My own training and goals are geared around GPP (General Physical Preparedness) which involves kettlebell training, calisthenics and CrossFit. I like high-volume reps but also like greasing the groove now and again. My main goals are to remain as possible, remaining mobile, training in as many plans of movements as possible, and learning as many different combinations and movements as possible while having fun and enjoying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I'm not Arnold Schwarzenegger and will never be, but strength is not defined by physical appearance and huge bulging muscles.