This book lists 8,743 core Japanese words with English equivalents. Main entries are in Romanized Japanese followed by Kana (Japanese alphabet: Hiragana and Katakana) with Kanji (Chinese characters) or Kana only. Next, in the same line, parts of speech label, and the entry’s English equivalents.
kagaku 化学 [n.] chemistry
kagaku 科学 [n.] science
kagaku sha 化学者 [n.] chemist
kagaku sha 科学者 [n.] scientist
heri kudatte へりくだって [ad.] humbly
herikoputā ヘリコプター [n.] helicopter
Japanese is written with three different scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji (Chinese character). Typical Japanese words are written with Hiragana and Chinese characters. Chinese characters should be used since almost 90% of the language derives from Chinese characters. Katakana is usually used to write foreign words other than Chinese.
* Please refer to the website for more information.