Are you curious about Islam? New to Islam? This is the perfect book. Trying to introduce a friend to Islam? This makes a great gift.
The Quran is the direct Word of God. It contains guidance, mercy, and healing. This book provides the most-read Quran chapters, translated into modern English.
[The Heifer 62]
Those who believe, and those who are Jewish, and the Christians, and the Sabeans-any who believe in God and the Last Day, and act righteously-will have their reward with their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
[Monotheism 1-4]
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Say, "He is God, the One.
2. God, the Absolute.
3. He begets not, nor was He begotten.
4. And there is nothing comparable to Him."
[The Opening 1-7]
1. In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
4. Master of the Day of Judgment.
5. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help.
6. Guide us to the straight path.
7. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided.
God is the Supreme Ruler of the Heavens and the Earth. He is the Originator of all things, and the Sustainer of all beings. He is the Sublime Creator of all the worlds, the Most Dignified, the Almighty, the Merciful. God is the First and the Last, the Hidden and the Obvious, the Loving and the Forgiving, the Living and the Immortal. He feeds and He is never fed.
God communicates with humanity. It is He who revealed the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Quran. These Divine Books contain guidance, light, mercy, and healing. Prophet Muhammad is the last of the Prophets. He received the Quran from God, through inspiration.
The Quran was translated into many languages, and many English translations of the Quran exist today. The translation by Talal Itani is in plain English, and is pure and very accurate.
Talal Itani studied the Quran over a period of 15 years. He is an electronics engineer, religion researcher, and writer. His translation of the Quran is clear, easy to read, and highly faithful to the Arabic original.
ClearQuran publishes the Quran in multiple formats, including websites, Apps, eBooks, videos, and print.
[Chapter 81 - The Rolling]
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. When the sun is rolled up.
2. When the stars are dimmed.
3. When the mountains are set in motion.
4. When the relationships are suspended.
5. When the beasts are gathered.
6. When the oceans are set aflame.
7. When the souls are paired.
8. When the girl, buried alive, is asked:
9. For what crime was she killed?
10. When the records are made public.
11. When the sky is peeled away.
12. When the Fire is set ablaze.
13. When Paradise is brought near.
14. Each soul will know what it has readied.
15. I swear by the galaxies.
16. Precisely running their courses.
17. And by the night as it recedes.
18. And by the morn as it breathes.
19. This is the speech of a noble messenger.
20. Endowed with power, eminent with the Lord of the Throne.
21. Obeyed and honest.
22. Your friend is not possessed.
23. He saw him on the luminous horizon.
24. And He does not withhold knowledge of the Unseen.
25. And it is not the word of an accursed devil.
26. So where are you heading?
27. It is only a Reminder to all mankind.
28. To whoever of you wills to go straight.
29. But you cannot will, unless God wills-The Lord of the Worlds.