Tammy is the author of the Military SF Spectras Arise series, the Epic Fantasy Shackled Verities series, and numerous pieces of short fiction. She rose to fame on a comet once bound for Alpha Centauri, but her uncharacteristically strong attachment to Tom Waits and Killing Joke music were too much for the comet's velocity to overcome, so here she stays.
Tammy's "real" life outside writing involves bustin' her tail trail running and biking with a super-cool SoCal weirdo she wound up marrying because he liked her books. Most of her days include chilling with a sweet doggo and pleading with a psycho catto for a moment of respite from his endless lunacy.
Space opera, fantasy, satire, and snark fans will feel right at home with her. Learn more about her and her books by visiting www.tammysalyer.com. She hopes you enjoy reading her works and welcomes your reviews.