The fantasy books “Memories of Sandra Anderson” feature the astral and space adventures of Sandra Anderson, a space adventurer who defies the tyranny of the Interstellar Yrkanian Empire and seeks extraordinary experiences all over the known (and unknown) universe.
Story Twenty (Sexcaged): After being informed that prince Venor of Yrkania has landed on planet Gonast, Sandra Anderson decides to go there with a view to discovering what an Yrkanian prince is looking for on a planet of Amazons…
Story Twenty-One (Stray Beyond Sunset): This time Sandra has come to the primitive planet of Rystadel and makes inquiries about an unspeakable form of evil that terrorizes the population, making them more and more religious and submissive to a certain “divine” power.
Story Twenty-Two (The Forsaken Lands): Sandra and Peter travel through a black hole to the Forsaken Lands, an abandoned world where there is a source of infinite power. They have to secure this source, before Venor lays his hands on it an messes up everything in the universe.
Story Twenty-Three (The Rise of the Mystic): This time Sandra is taken by surprise, as she is suddenly abducted by a renowned wizard who considers her responsible for the loss of an utmost valuable and dangerous book of magic.
Story Twenty-Four (The City of Gold): While looking for new adventures, Sandra gets a mysterious message that urges her to land on an uninhabited planet and explore the ruins of the legendary City of Gold. Pretty soon, however, she finds out she is not the only one who roams its splendid temples.
Story Twenty-Five (Reminiscence): This time Sandra Anderson remembers her very first adventure, after she had just escaped from an Yrkanian worksite: A hazardous exploration in the mysterious Realms of the Long Night, that helped discover her real self and her destiny in life.
Story Twenty-Six (Descent to the Nether Zone): In this adventure, Sandra Anderson follows her beloved Peter of the Stars into the nightmarish Nether Zone, in search of a holy gem that can save worlds -in this case, Peter's world.
Story Twenty-Seven (The Sect of the Solar Crown): Sandra gets hired by the governor of planet Zinra, so as to find his only son who disappeared after he had joined the Sect of the Solar Crown. Sandra becomes a member of the sect and finds out a lot more than the governor's son...
Story Twenty-Eight (Distant Planet): Peter of the Stars is in great trouble, since a very dangerous sorceress claims the throne of Eldyla. So, he asks for Sandra’s help and they both set off for a frozen planet, in search of an ancient item which is believed to provide extraordinary spiritual abilities; that's where the situation gets even more complicated…
Tanya Ferris lives in Athens, Greece. She has studied foreign languages (English, Italian, German) and has worked as an editor’s secretary and translator in major publishing houses for many years.
She is particularly fond of fantasy, science fiction, horror and metaphysics books. She has published several short fantasy stories and articles in various Greek magazines. She has written and published the following e-books:
Tales of the Dreamer Witch (English)
Traditional Greek Dream Oracles (English)
Cosmic Winds (Greek)
New Dawn (Greek)
Memories of Sandra Anderson – A Cosmic Explorer - Books 1, 2, 3 (English)