The authors present different approaches based on their own professional experience, focusing on the technique–science relationship in domains as diverse as brain mapping, the decipherment of Mycenaean writing and the design process. Each chapter presents varying and often opposing epistemological conclusions to provide the reader with a wide breadth of examples in different fields.
Although the scope of this book is far from exhaustive, it serves as a starting point for the necessary and long-overdue clarification of the relationship between these neighboring, yet disjointed, sectors.
Giulia Anichini, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST), Canada
Flavia Carraro, Research Institute for the History of Technology and Science, Germany
Philippe Geslin, Neuchâtel University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Georges Guille-Escuret, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France