In The Book of Ghouls, five Neo-Mythos writers known for cosmic horror explore Lovecraftian ghouls’ sinister, cannibalistic relationship with humanity: C.T. Phipps (Cthulhu Armageddon), Matthew Davenport (The Adventures of Andrew Doran), David Hambling (the Harry Stubbs series), Eric Malikyte (Mind’s Horizon), and Philip Hemplow (Sarcophagus, Exoteric).
In this volume you will meet with ghouls everywhere from the steamy jungles of the Vietnam war to the refined air of Arkham’s high society, from a bizarre festival on a remote Scottish island to small town America, and from 1920s South London to the mystical Dreamlands. The Book of Ghouls is the latest in the acclaimed Books of Cthulhu series inviting you to face the terrifying creatures that lurk just beyond the edge of human understanding.