A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Breasts of Women: Containing Directions for the Proper Management of Breasts During Lying-in, with Observations on the Present Defective Methods of Practice. Likewise Observations on the Simple Inflammation of the Breasts. On the Abscess, Induration of These Parts, and on Diseased Nipples, with the Method of Preventing the Cancer. Of the Schirrus, Or Cancerous Induration, Arising from Other Causes, with Mild and Successful Methods of Cure. The Whole Interspersed with General Observations on the Metho of Treating Women During Child-bed, with a Plate of a New Invented Machine, for More Commodiously Drawing the Milk from the Breasts, and Forming a Nipple. By W. Rowley, Surgeon and Man-midwife, and Surgeon to St. John's Hospital
William Rowley
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