But it’s not all plain sailing. The captain wants to seduce her, Ben’s trying to keep his distance – and pirates want to sell her to the murderous sect waging war on her father.
When the frigate is attacked by a pirate fleet intent on capturing Krys, she faces impossible choices. If she hands herself over to the pirates, she will die a painful death. If she doesn’t, everyone will die.
Unless she and Ben can contrive a way out for them all.
This short story is a space opera, full of action and adventure, with a romance thrown in.
I'm a retired IT professional (with a history degree) indulging in my love of writing stories. Most of my books are soft science fiction combining politics, a mystery, and a dollop of romance somewhere out in space. However, I've written two paranormal books about tigers and one historical fiction story based on a true, fascinating, and thoroughly nasty story about a psychopath and a ship wreck.
When I'm not slaving over a hot computer I mess about with my camera and enjoy the bird life in my garden.