Now discover how Noahâs ark echoes other concepts related to Jesus in this wonderful story designed to entertain and educate. As the Great Flood swept away the world that Noah and his family knew, God protected them in the ark. If we acknowledge we are sinners and accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior, we also ensure our spiritual survival through an eternal life with Christ. When Christ is our Savior, we are protected and comforted by the Holy Spirit.
Ken Ham is the president/CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis - U.S. and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. Ken's emphasis is on the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door regarding how the culture and church view biblical authority. His Australian accent, keen sense of humor, captivating stories, and exceptional PowerPoint illustrations have made him one of North America's most effective Christian communicators.