As in a cunning game of chess, sometimes the queen is sacrificed for a greater end; sometimes the fall of an important head in the power game it can mean the rise of an empire, one greater than that which has ever existed on the face of our globe. On This thesis will expose what many of us are clear about is destruction of the United States of America - as we know it - as a Master strategy of the Masters of the World, to bring up the last great empire of our time. We are talking about the raising of a dictatorial world government based on surveillance technology, police force and mass mind control. A system that the own Bible called the Thirion, or 'The Beast'. In this investigation I will explain why the book of Revelation prophesies about the power behind the US, that so-called 'Deep State' of the that the 'Q Anon' movement has propagandized; that power in the shadow that is known in Christianity under the name of 'the Great Harlot' or 'The Great Babylon'. We do not talk about the suicide of the Deep State, but of a sum of events that push the cataclysm of the USA as the headquarters of the same to make room for a world government.