The Fish and the Fisherman

· Xlibris Corporation
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Podrobnosti o e‑knize

There is a fish that is good and nice to everyone he meets. But then one day he bites the line of a greedy fisherman, he needs to find out how he can escape.

O autorovi

Rachel Roberts is the author of a series of 12 children's fantasy books called Avalon: Web of Magic.Some of them were also released under the title Avalon: Quest for Magic and there is a related graphic novel series, Avalon: The Warlock Diaries. The series was inspired by and is in part loosely based on the 1990s animated series Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders and the show's creator, Robert Mandell, was involved with the book. The books in the series include Circles in the Stream, All That Glitters, Cry of the Wolf, Secret of the Unicorn, Spellsinger, Trial by Fire, Song of the Unicorns, All's Fairy in Love and War, Ghost Wolf, Heart of Avalon, Dark Mage and Full Circle.

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