Fernanda Emediato was a free spirit, growing up in the green hills of the Serra da Cantareira outside of the city of Sao Paulo. Her early friends were monkeys, dogs, toucans, coatis, squirrels and cicadas. She swears that she had a special friend: a jaguar who would turn up in the yard only when Fernanda was alone. There was also her best friend Tico, a stray cat. During a fight with a wolf to protect her, Tico lost half of his tail. That little girl grew up, got a degree in Marketing and Advertising, and today she is the Editor-in-Chief at Geracao Editorial, where she has been working since she was 14 years old. Fernanda has not forgotten her special friends and every weekend she takes a drive with her son Raul up goes up to Serra da Cantareira to say hello to them. Sobre a Autora: Fernanda Emediato foi uma menina perdida em seu quintal, a Serra da Cantareira, na Grande São Paulo. Os seus primeiros amigos foram macacos, cachorros, esquilos, cigarras e garante que tinha uma amiga especial, uma onça que cismava em aparecer no quintal justamente quando ela estava sozinha. Outro escudeiro fiel era o gato vira-lata Tico. Num ataque de lobo ele a defendeu e perdeu o rabo na briga. A menina cresceu, formou-se em publicidade e atualmente é editora executiva da Geração Editorial, onde trabalha desde os 15 anos, mas ainda não esqueceu dos amigos especiais e todo final de semana sobe a serra para encontrá-los.