Ever since Timothy Gallwey missed a heartbreakingly easy volley on match point in the National Junior Tennis Championship at the age of fifteen, he has been fascinated with the problem of how human beings interfere with their own ability to achieve and learn. His search for practical ways to overcome the mental obstacles that prevent maximum performance led to the basic discoveries first described in this, his bestselling classic. Since the completion of The Inner Game of Golf, also available in Pan Books, he spends most of his time in the Los Angeles office of the Inner Games Corporation, developing an Inner Game approach to such diverse fields as selling, management, stress, diet, music and the quality of work. He is also the author of The Inner Game of Tennis, and the co-author of The Inner Game of Music, both published by Pan Macmillan.
Peter Hudson is a Master Golf Coach and Sports Psychologist, described by many as 'the coach to the coaches' who specialising in devising tailored coaching programmes that develop both the mental and physical side of the golf. He is a renowned expert in the use of the mind to improve both swing and performance, and a specialist practitioner of The Inner Game of Golf techniques.