Becky Baldridge
A child who's not quite right, a missing boyfriend, a stalker, and a secret. All of these combine to make for a dark and sinister tale where not everyone is who you think they are. The story is told primarily by Clara in the present, searching for Luke, and Beth in the past, dealing with her daughter, Hannah. I have to say I was impressed with the distinct voices of both as the story progressed. In the beginning, it seems as if these two stories have little to do with each other, but if you're paying attention, the hints are there to piece some of it together. The secret at the heart of this story is a combination of narcissism and desperation, and while I did figure out part of it, I certainly didn't get it all until the big reveal. The author is talented and masterfully builds tension as we follow Hannah into young adulthood and Clara as she learns more and more about who Luke really is. The only drawback for me were the last two chapters. That extra little twist was unnecessary and for me, a bit of let down after an otherwise solid story. That aside, I did enjoy the read and would recommend it.
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