Alexis Bristowe
I bought this book remembering reading it for high school and I'm actually writing a very similar manhunt scene for a writing project. Very suspenseful, very digestible thriller. On a personal note, I could've sworn the book ended with a fight scene that resulted in the general being pushed into the ship trap and dying from landing on the jagged rocks but that could be from another story entirely.
3 people found this review helpful
Carmen Rangel
I read this short-story long time ago when I was in high school. I really liked the suspense and adrenaline of the story that's why I decided to purchase the book and read the story again. I do recommend it for young readers that like thrilling stories!
3 people found this review helpful
Carlos Oliveira
Esta edição contém uma série de erros de pontuação e de ortografia; definitivamente, não é uma das melhores versões do conto de Connell, chega até a ser um insulto a memória do autor, de tão mal formatado que foi. Provavelmente, nem se deram ao trabalho de revisar o texto antes de publicá-lo. Uma pena. Merece, no máximo, duas estrelas; e nada mais.