The Mystery of Creation

· Christian Fellowship Publishers
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Man always wonders about himself as well as the things that surround him. He has tried for centuries to unlock the mystery of creation by observation and speculation. Yet the true story of creation would never have been told had not God revealed it to Moses. The challenge of God to human inquiry and research is the same today as it was in the days of Job: “Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who determined the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who stretched the line upon it? Whereupon were the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner-stone thereof, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job. 38.2-7) In this volume, Watchman Nee presents to us a Biblical interpretation of creation to which science attests. This is not meant to prove, however, that the story of creation as revealed in the Bible is scientifically true but to show instead that God is greater than science. Whereas God’s word is forever true, the discipline of science must constantly be revised. How inexhaustible is God’s revelation, that in giving the history of creation (as found in the letter of His word) He has also disclosed His principles of working in the New as in the Old Creation. Hence an analogy of creation and Christian experience, an analysis of creation and the acts of Christ, and an anatomy of creation and dispensation are additionally presented in order to lead us into the spirit of God’s word. May we bow in wonder at “the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!” (Rom. 11.33).


Watchman Nee was born in 1903 in Swatow, China as an answer to his mother's prayer. Having already borne two daughters, she prayed that if God should give her a son, she would give him back to God. As the boy grew up, he showed every sign of promise except he had no interest in things spiritual. It was not till he was seventeen years of age that he was met by the Lord. He knew at that time that he must accept Christ Jesus as his Savior, yet he struggled over the necessity of surrendering his life to the Lord. The love of Christ finally overwhelmed him and he capitulated to Christ. This was on April 29, 1920. He had such a love for the Word of God that he studied it almost incessantly, so within a very short period he had read the whole Bible several times. He began to witness for Christ to his school mates and soon earned the nickname of "the preacher". In searching the Scripture, he (with a few other believers) discovered 'the simplicity and purity that is towards Christ.' He determined to follow the Word of God explicitly and nothing but the Word. In 1927 he began his life work in Shanghai, where he was able to practice the vision which the Lord had shown him in the Word. He understood that the eternal purpose of God is Christ and His Church. Through the mighty working of the Holy Spirit and the faithful ministry of this servant of God, this testimony spread over the vast land of China. In 1949 the Communists took over China. Knowing what would be waiting for him back home, he nonetheless felt strongly his responsibility toward God and His Church. So he returned to China from Hong Kong in 1950. In April of 1952 he was seized and put in prison. He was later falsely accused as a master spy and was sentenced to twenty years of imprisonment. In prison he was not allowed to do anything but what was assigned him by prison authority. At the expiration of his sentence term, he was not released, and the news arrived quickly that he died faithful to the Lord.




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